I am just back from a few days of holidays and have seen how active JSCL is! It is really exciting.

This rising is due to abeaumont probably. I stopped working, but he came up with an idea I liked. It is, why don’t integrate JSCL into Conkeror? We would end up with a Lisp programmable browser… that’s a practical reason! We did some tests locally and it seemed to work, but now it is time for improving JSCL itself.

It is not the only platform where JSCL could run on. I plan to add support for Node JS. Indeed, it will let us use the REPL and tests in the terminal in addition to the browser, which is a much more convenient way to program.

In the meantime, I would like to improve the compiler a little bit.

Suggestion and patches are very welcome if you want to join us.
